The UN Global Goals

DermaPharm and the UN Global Goals

A single human being cannot save the whole world, but together we can make a world of difference. At DermaPharm, it is an intrinsic part of our DNA to take co-responsibility for the environment - and for the world. For over 40 years, we have been developing and producing environmentally-friendly care products - for the future. Based on the 17 UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development, we have initiated a number of projects to ensure efficient, responsible and sustainable production.

The UN Global Goals

Sustainable Development

The UN Global Goals: The Road to a Sustainable World

Today, we actively use the UN Global Goals as a management tool and have integrated them into our daily CSR work to create sustainable and responsible development. The primary UN Global Goals we work with, among others:

UN Global Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.
Thanks to our ecolabelling approvals, we fulfil tough requirements for minimum environmental impact and responsible production methods.

Both ecolabels are official in Denmark. To be awarded them, a product has to meet requirements throughout its lifecycle. They apply to the ingredients used, the actual production, quality and disposal/recycling. Apart from environmental requirements, there are also requirements related to the working conditions under which the product is made.

There are specific criteria for each product group to be documented before a licence can be granted for one of the labels.

With this type of documentation for environmental impact, it’s possible to market a product with a physical label that signals fulfilment of the criteria for the Nordic Ecolabel and/or the EU Ecolabel.

UN Global Goal 4: Quality education, where we help to ensure equal access for all to quality education and we promote opportunities for everyone for lifelong learning. We welcome interns and take an active part in educating skilled workers of the future. We have received Randers Municipality's CSR certificate and the Danish Industry Internship Award for this. Read more here.

It's important to DermaPharm that our personnel improve their qualifications and take a business education. As a business, we help equip our employees with skills through education and further education, and we believe in seeking to break negative social legacy by helping young people from an underprivileged background to also take an education.  

UN Global Goal 13: Climate Action, where we focus on limiting the increase in global warming, and thus avoiding committing irreparable damage to our climate. Better resistance to climate change must ensure sustainable development and contribute to mitigating climate-related natural disasters.

CO2 ACCOUNTS – being compiled
DermaPharm is in the process of compiling CO2 accounts at business level according to the GHG protocol. They will provide an overview of the CO2 impact the various processes within our business give. They also give us the chance to prioritise where we can and will reduce DermaPharm’s CO2 emissions. Finally, they provide documentation we can use to communicate what our CO2 impact is to customers.